Saturday, August 13, 2011

Savvy Summer

Living in Connecticut, I have had very few occasions to meet others who practice Parelli. Natural horsemanship followers are few and far between here! As I was nannying for my cousins in New Jersey, I was shocked at the number of “Parellians” I met. With the help of the owner of Long Meadow Farms in Bedminster, NJ, I was able to finally advance my horsemanship skills.

I had the levels DVDs, and was a member of the Savvy Club, but I felt like I had hit a roadblock I just couldn’t get over. I had become an expert at the basics, but haven’t had the opportunity or expertise to progress beyond a certain point.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but up until a month ago, I had never before played the “Sideways” game. Nope, not even once. I just didn’t know where to begin teaching it, and didn’t want to frustrate my horse, or myself, so I didn’t even attempt to do it. Well, Wynne (owner of Long Meadow Farm) changed that for me real quick. Thankfully the horse I was practicing with was very patient and forgiving. Wynne used a visualization of pushing on the ‘bubble’ of air between the horse and myself to influence him through spatial pressure –a totally new concept for me. She talked a lot about how you have to communicate with energy –in how you carry yourself, in the speed you walk or apply pressure, in how you breathe (or don’t breathe!). I never realized just how much I hold my breath when I concentrate, and when Wynne pointed this out to me I became much more conscious of keeping myself relaxed and fluid in my movements, and I was able to make progress.

I also got to audit a level 3/4 clinic by 3* Parelli Professional Kelly Sigler, and was blown away by the amazing horsewomen there. I got to see in person horses and riders that had taken their horsemanship to the next level; after building a solid foundation for a relationship based on being partners and having mutual respect for each other, they were working on refinement and finesse.

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to connect with like-minded horsewomen and develop my savvy skills with the help of someone who knew what she was doing!

Here are some pics I took of the Kelly Sigler clinic:

Kelly demonstrating finesse

Good boy Kody!



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